VILLA GOETZEN Via Matteotti, 2 C – Dolo | Riviera del Brenta – Venezia | +39 041. 51 02 300

The story


Our Story

A Venetian villa from the 18th century, once the seat of the ancient Venier Casino and now completely renovated, Hotel Restaurant Villa Goetzen is located on the Brenta Riviera, just a few minutes from Padua and Venice. Positioned in a privileged location, our establishment is the ideal place to spend a stay immersed in relaxation, pampered by authentic Venetian hospitality. The passion of the Minchio family and the professionalism of the always attentive, helpful, and caring staff will make your stay a unique experience.

Founder Paolo Minchio

Tradition and Passion

The Minchio Family, with a rich and legendary history, has been present in Dolo since the 1970s, initially with the Due Mori Hotel, a historical photo of which you can admire on this page, and later in 1995 with the opening of the Hotel and Restaurant Villa Goetzen.

In our splendid villa, a 3-star hotel with twelve rooms of various kinds has been set up, suitable for accommodating couples on a romantic getaway, Italian and foreign tourists, groups of people, and business meetings. The internal restaurant, specializing in meat and fish, offers high quality and always fresh raw materials, including menus for celiacs, vegetarians, and vegans.

Contact us

Contact us immediately if you are looking for a 3-star hotel in Dolo and book your stay.